Category: Uncategorized

Why Traditional Senior Fitness is Dead

Dan discusses why he thinks the traditional senior fitness program is dead.  The old way of training seniors where they sat in a chair and did exercises in a chair is not the way to improve function.  Our program is geared towards improving function, lower body strength, reducing falls and much much more.  To start training clients effectively and help them function better as they get older, take a look at the Functional Aging Specialist at the tab above.

Why Senior Clients?

Dr. Dan Ritchie discusses the “why” in why you should train senior clients and shares his journey about how he came to train senior clients.  Dan started out training Division 1 athletes and soon realized that this was not the clientele that he wanted to train long term.  He moved to Wisconsin where he started his master’s degree.  He posted a group training signup for women in their forties at a fitness facility.  He quickly had way more clients sign up then he could handle and realized that this population was one that was being underserved.  While training there, Dan had the opportunity to train a client that had a unique fitness goal.  Watch the video to hear the rest of his amazing story!  To begin training this clientele today, check out the “Certifications” tab above.

The #1 Benefit You Need to Provide to Your Mature Clients

Dr. Cody Sipe shares the #1 tip to provide to your mature client.  The benefit of function!!! Our clients want to be able to move better so that they can live life the way they want to live it.  Cody shares a story about a client that came to us wanting to improve her function.  Cody shares the other aspects of function that are important as well.  Our functional aging specialist certification provides you with the skills to help improve the function of mature clients.  To start working with this population, please check out the Certifications tab at the top of this page.

How to Train the Modern Day Senior

Dr. Cody Sipe talks about how to train the modern day senior.  He discusses and shares stories comparing the modern day senior with the depression era senior.  The modern day senior has grown up with modern day technology and they want to spend their money on life experiences.  It’s time to change how we train and think about the modern day senior!  If you want to start training the modern day senior today, take that first step and become a Functional Aging Specialist today!   Click on the Certifications tab above to get started on this exciting journey now!

The Age Performance Blog: Best New Way to Plank


Barbara Tanner demonstrates the Kneeling Kettlebell plank.

Want a quick bang for your buck exercise? The kneeling kettlebell plank is just that, and is safe and effective for anyone. Created by the mastermind Gray Cook, a physical therapist and strength and conditioning expertise. This movement is great for shoulder and core stability, and really inhibits the upper traps. To do this movement, just grab a heavy weight (typically a kettlebell) and get into a kneeling position, driving the weight down behind you, not letting the weight hit the ground. Hold in this position for 30 seconds to one minute. Easy. Effective. The Kneeling Kettlebell Plank.



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