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Full Course to Learn to Teach TAI CHI
24 READY FOR YOU Class Plans
16 learning modules
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Full Course to Learn to Teach TAI CHI

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A Better Way to Start Tai Chi

If you’re a beginner to Tai Chi…

If you would like to teach Tai Chi to beginners…

You’ve found the right place!


Learn and Teach the Yang Style 24 Short Form.

Learn Moves AND Principles

Get access to a community of other certified Members

Help your clients and community discover Tai Chi!


Dianne Bailey, CSCS, CTCI-1

  • Certified Tai Chi Instructor, American Tai Chi and Qigong Association
  • 4th degree black belt Taekwondo
  • Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist, NSCA
  • Owner, Head Trainer, The Conditioning Classroom
  • Industry speaker and Tai Chi specialist: FAI, Fitness Fest, International Council on Active Aging
  • Author: Eating Simply; Healthy, Happy & Fit; Open the Door to Tai Chi . . . Tai Chi for the Everyday Person


Of course! With the Open the Door to Tai Chi system, you can learn the form first with easy to follow videos. And then we not only teach you HOW to teach and WHAT to teach, but we also provide 24 fully completed class plans so you don’t need to waste time trying to organize your classes!

Tai Chi is a martial art that originated in China centuries ago. It began as a fighting form for the Shaolin priests, but then changed to its modern interpretation as “movement meditation.” The benefits of Tai Chi have been researched and proven to provide stress relief, blood pressure reduction, improved sleep quality, improved balance resulting in fewer falls, increased mental focus/awareness and many more.

No! All you need is a space to move! It could be in a recreation center, your studio, an assisted living center or even a park outdoors! All your students need is an engaging, interesting class that helps them improve their balance and mental focus.

The Yang short form has 24 moves. But learning the moves is only the beginning! Tai Chi is not a “horizontal” learning event where you keep learning more moves and/or forms. It is a “vertical” learning event that lasts a lifetime! The Open the Door to Tai Chi system teaches you how to bring the key principles and concepts of Tai Chi to your students so they keep coming back, year after year.

That’s why we have included the membership option. You will have access to Dianne and the community, so you can get qualified answers to get back to your students! Tap into decades of martial arts experience and provide real time benefits to your students.

You could do that. But you will not be able to retain those students because they will quickly know as much as you do. You will not know how to create an engaging and proven class. The Open the Door to Tai Chi System will launch you as a true authority and will provide you with progressive and challenging class plans that keep your students coming back for years as they continually benefit from your teaching. Neither your students nor you will be enjoying the many benefits of Tai Chi like stress reduction and improved balance if all you do is teach the moves.

We teach the Yang style, 24 form which is the standardized short form.


What others have said about learning AND teaching Tai Chi


"Dianne, I love your program, I have tried a few other online programs to learn Tai Chi, however the way they taught it, it was very difficult to learn."
"Dianne, I love your program, I have tried a few other online programs to learn Tai Chi, however the way they taught it, it was very difficult to learn."


"Thank you Dianne for developing this system and making this available to us."
"Thank you Dianne for developing this system and making this available to us."


“The 'Open the Door to Tai Chi' program is an excellent approach to the understanding and application of Tai Chi...Dianne Bailey instructs with a patient and insightful approach to the various principles that comprise the core and form the foundation of Tai Chi."
“The 'Open the Door to Tai Chi' program is an excellent approach to the understanding and application of Tai Chi...Dianne Bailey instructs with a patient and insightful approach to the various principles that comprise the core and form the foundation of Tai Chi."


"I really love the way you explain moves, and apparently, so do my clients... I used all the same terminology you used in your online sessions. They truly responded to everything that was said... I was approached by EVERY person in the class saying how much they enjoyed the class."
"I really love the way you explain moves, and apparently, so do my clients... I used all the same terminology you used in your online sessions. They truly responded to everything that was said... I was approached by EVERY person in the class saying how much they enjoyed the class."


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