Grow Your Business with the Most Powerful Economic Force: Boomer Women

Let’s face it: Women Rule! And to be even more specific: Boomer Women Rule! If you are running a fitness program or are a trainer you are making a HUGE mistake if you aren’t zeroed in on this incredible clientele. Think about it. Women 50+ influence 80% of the $2.1 trillion spent by Boomers AND 80% of these women control their family’s day to day finances. But that’s not all.

Boomer Women

These women are breaking the traditional stereotypes of what it means to be an “older” woman. They are charting their own path and are coming into their own in a sort of ageless empowerment. Newfound freedom from responsibilities, growing confidence in themselves as a beautiful and vital female (Notice how many are NOT coloring their hair anymore and letting the gray shine through?) and an enjoyment in this new stage of life – along with their vast financial resources – are making purchases for themselves at unprecedented levels.

Of course, as with any population, women 50+ are NOT all the same. They vary in family situation, employment status, financial resources and in many other areas. But among the 40 million Boomer women there is a large group that authors Reily and Orsborn in their book Vibrant Nation refer to as Vibrant Women. They are educated, affluent, confident and ageless.

The authors further divide Vibrant Women consumer market into five segments based on their research. The largest group, accounting for 48% of the whole, is the Self Interested Spenders and they are actively looking for product and program solutions that “get” her. Who are these women?

According to Vibrant Nation, the Self-Interested Spender:
• Makes purchase decisions on whether products acknowledge and meet her specific needs.
• Doesn’t want to be taken care of or be manipulated by marketers into making expensive, trendy choices
• Would rather get her information (online or off) from someone she trusts. She has identified this trusted advisor as “someone like me”.
• Makes her decisions on the genuine value and utility of the purchase.
• Is centered on her own interests – her needs and wants.

Meryl StreepWhen it comes to fitness it is easy to assume that these women aspire to be 20-something again. To look like their daughters and granddaughters. To chase youth and vanity. However, this is definitely not the case. These women desire to be the best 50- and 60- year olds that they can be. Women now expect to be able to look good at 50 or 60 thanks to many aging models and actresses (Sigourney Weaver, Meryl Streep, Madonna) who are fit, healthy and beautiful.

She has begun to feel the growing tension between the “anti-aging” movement and their own self-acceptance. Between style and comfort (she wants both). As she gets older and starts to face the realization of her own mortality she must ask herself if she can still be beautiful with that little extra layer of fat she has accumulated. Is the time and effort and discomfort of an aggressive exercise plan and dietary regime worth it to her? Maybe even go with a little tummy tuck instead? These are not easy questions for her to answer but she is grappling with them and is looking for fitness programs that acknowledge and understand her dilemma. It is this core emotional connection that is key to gaining the Vibrant Woman as your client.

Using “women like me” in your testimonials and social proof is an essential piece. Allow these women the opportunity to express themselves in their own words. Often we look for clients that will make claims such as “this is the greatest fitness program in the world” but that is not nearly as effective with Boomer women as comments like “the trainers here really know me and are interested in helping me be the best I can be”. You may think that having the younger, good looking, fit female (and that might be you the trainer) in your marketing materials is good because that is what these women want to become. Well they don’t. They realize they probably can’t…and they are okay with that.

Learn effective marketing and sales strategies to tap into this powerful client group at the 2017 Functional Aging Summit.



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