Tag: sales

Tips for Growing Your Fitness Business with Older Women

Boomer Women Tennis

Mature women (age 50-70) have become the dominant consumer force in the U.S. (and likely around the world).  If you aren’t specifically targeting this massive group then you are missing out because they are an ideal population to have as clients.  Did you know that they handle 85% of their households purchase decisions AND that their household is in its highest years of income, wealth and spending power AND that there are LOTS and LOTS of them (1 in 5 adults in the U.S. is a woman over 50!).

These are educated, affluent women who are in the prime of their lives who are starting to feel the effects of their advancing age and aren’t ready to get “old”.  They are actively looking for ways to retain or regain their youthfulness, vitality and energy so that they can essentially be “ageless”.  Not 20 again but a really nice 50 and holding.  Your fitness program could be just the solution they are looking for IF you are able to understand this woman and how to communicate with her.

Men and women shopping chartWe all know that men and women think, act and communicate differently.  Would it surprise you to hear that mature women think, act and communicate differently than younger men, older men and even younger women.  It’s true.  They have entered and are transitioning through a new life stage that brings with it some significant and subtle changes for her life and how she perceives the world around her.

This group of 50-70 year old females is what author Marti Barletta calls

Prime Time women.

Here are some great insights from Marketing to Prime Time Women by Marti Barletta that demonstrate some of these differences.  By taking the time to more fully understand this specific segment your marketing and sales strategies will be much more effective:

Differences Between Men and Women

Men are Soloists; Women are Ensemble Players – Men look at the world from the perspective of the individual.  Their core unit is “me”.  Women see everyone as part of an ensemble company.  Their core unit is “we”.  They take pride in their caring, consideration and loyalty to and for others.

Men Occupy a Pyramid; Women Occupy a Peer Group – In a man’s worldview, groups fall into hierarchies so the goal is to be looked up to or admired.  A woman’s view is that all people are equal so her outlook is relational without being comparative.  Women don’t particularly want to be looked up to, any more than they want to be looked down on.

Men Respond to Idealized Scenarios; Women Are into Keeping It Real – Men want services that will make them stand out and they respond to scenarios that let them imagine themselves as the best.  Women are looking for “that’s me moments” and that flash of recognition that tell her you get who she really is.

Men do “Report Talk”; Women do “Rapport” Talk – Men’s conversation is to transmit information, solve problems – and establish or defend individual status.  Women’s conversation is to transmit information, solves problems – and create connections among individuals.

Men Hide from Emotions; Women Seek Emotions – Men are not comfortable revealing their innermost thoughts and feelings while one of the ways women connect is through candid emotions.  They look on emotional revelations and expressiveness as interesting, intimate and to be encouraged.

Compared to Younger Women Primetime Women:

Know What they Like – As we age we tend to rely more on our emotions or “gut feeling” to speed the decision-making process.  Although Prime Time Women may not know all of the details they still know what they like and what they don’t like.  Messages should focus on how a product or service makes the Prime Time Woman feel when using it, what the experience will be like, and how it will help them connect with others.

Realize They Have No Time to Lose – When we pass 50 years of age we start to view time differently.  Our lives are finite so we start thinking in terms of years left rather than years lived.  Women always seem to have a larger grasp of context and therefore they make decisions in the context of this realization.  “Why not now?” and “not worth my time” take on new meaning for the Prime Time Woman.

          Are Always Learning – Learning for personal growth and for the sheer pleasure of learning is stronger in the second half of life.  Prime Time Women have more time on their hands and are excited about their newfound freedom to explore interests, old and new.  Combining learning with fun and socializing and be sure to invite her to bring a friend.

Are Yearning to Leave a Legacy – Prime Time Women want to make a difference in the world.  They are in the prime of their income producing years and can afford to pay a little more “to do good”.  They seek out opportunities to support companies that make the world a better place.

How well does your fitness facility or program connect with Prime Time Women through its website, blog, email newsletter, advertisements, sales process, environment and programming?

Find out how to connect with this powerful client at the 2017 Functional Aging Summit.

Functional Aging Summit

June 15 – 18, 2017

Caribe Royale Orlando

How Fitness Professionals Can Engage Boomers Online

Boomers on FacebookBy far the most cost effective and efficient way to attract Boomer clients is through your online presence – website, blog, newsletter/email and Facebook page.  Not only are they the largest and wealthiest age group they are also the Web’s largest constituency making up over 30% of internet users in the U.S.  Not surprisingly the 50+ population is the Internet’s fastest-growing group.

Boomers are using the Internet to research both online and offline purchases and are spending money online at an incredible rate.  They spend more money online than any other age group.  Over 75% of Boomers regularly buy online and are making it their “go to” resource for all types of purchases – including fitness memberships, group fitness programs and personal training.  In fact, it has become an essential part of their life with about 40% of Boomers using a search engine daily from their computers, tablets and smartphones.

However, just knowing that they are online and even knowing where they are online isn’t enough.  In order to be successful you have to be able to meaningfully engage with them in the online environment.  According to the authors of Dot Boom you have to know WHY they are online.  It is important to remember that Boomers are online to fulfill a need.  Identifying that need is paramount.  Then the real work of figuring out how to engage with them effectively so that you become the solution in their mind begins.

You can learn how to optimize ads, build a website, create Low Barrier Offers (LBO’s), generate leads and set up a great looking Facebook profile…but if you don’t know how to engage with Boomers through all of these different methods then your Return On Investment (ROI) will be minimal.  In fact, you may end up wasting a lot of time and money only to one day sit back in disgust, throw your hands up and say “This stuff doesn’t work!”  The method is only a means to an end and that end is to give you the opportunity to engage with a potential customer.

Here are some key insights from Dot Boom by Weigelt and Boehman that can make your online marketing much more successful with this key demographic.  Keep in mind that many of these points are not specific to Boomers per se.  Rather they are specific to all of us as we get older (50+) because they are based on human development.  It just so happens that there is this big population (e.g. the Boomers) that are growing through this lifestage but it will be just as applicable to the following generations.

Lead with the Right; Follow with the Left


Whole Brain

Mature consumers (especially women) have brains that are a little different than their younger counterparts.  They tend to see the big picture better and have a better grasp of how many different factors work together.  They also tend to see the world from what I call a “whole brain” perspective.  The right side of the brain is very emotional.  The left side of the brain is very factual.  To engage with Boomers you will need to appeal to both sides of their brain.  Use an emotional appeal (image, headline, story, etc.) to grab their attention and create a connection with them.  This will satisfy their Right Brain.  Then follow through by delivering all (or at least just enough) of the necessary factual information that goes along with it.  This will satisfy their Left Brain.  “Research has shown that if you make an emotional connection with an older consumer first, they will not only absorb the logistical information later, but they will generally consume more information than their younger counterparts.”

The Fastest Way to a Boomer’s Wallet is Through their Values

All human behavior is motivated by the need to fulfill five core values:  Identity; Relationship; Purpose; Adaptation; and Energy.  These values become increasingly important as we get older.  Your challenge is to figure out how your fitness program or product can help fulfill one or more of these core values.  In fact, I often have coaching clients write down and then tell the group how their program does just that in each of these five areas.  What you will realize is that your particular program is more focused on some rather than others.  In order to attract more clients, however, you need to be able to communicate effectively how your program meets each of these values.  Why?  Because…“These values are present in all people at all times but in varying shades of priority.”

Identity values involve self-preservation, self-awareness, and self-image

Relationship values involve connections to others, institutions and beliefs

Purpose values involve meaning and validation of one’s life and actions

Adaptation values involve the skills and knowledge necessary to negotiate life

Energy values involve health, well-being and functionality

The Trust Factor

You may have heard the popular phrase used in marketing circles stating that your job is to get potential clients to “Know, Like and Trust” you.  This is true tenfold for the older consumer.  When we combine the trust factor with their respect for persons of authority then we start to think about becoming a “Trusted Authority”.  But older consumers also have the preference/need to be involved in decision-making processes (i.e. not just told what to do) which shifts our positioning to the role of “Trusted Advisor”.  This is a powerful position to be in AND CAN HAPPEN WITHOUT PERSONALLY MEETING OR KNOWING THE OTHER PERSON.

How can this be?  Think about it.  Why are actors used in commercials?  Because we know, like and trust them through their movie roles and TV personas.  We don’t actually know them and have probably never met them.  Yet we still accept their advice as valid (most of the time).  Through your online presence you can easily become the Trusted Advisor in the minds of Boomers in your community and everywhere.  Weigelt and Boehman offer these specific tips to help build the trust factor with older consumers:

  1. Make a commitment to be transparent
  2. Do not assume you can control the information your audience can access
  3. Recognize that social media users feel a sense of ownership
  4. If you say you want feedback, mean it, and respond to it

Being everywhere online is one thing.  Knowing how to meaningfully engage with older consumers online is quite another.  By taking the time to learn more about how to develop meaningful online engagement your presence in cyber space will be much more effective leading to more clients to help and more revenue for your business.

Want to really take your business to the next level?  CLICK HERE


Get More Boomer Clients with These Keys

Man fixing bike

“How Leading Edge Boomers and Seniors think – that’s the real key to successfully marketing to them” says Dan Kennedy (No B.S. Marketing to Leading Edge Boomers and Seniors, 2013) and he couldn’t be more right.  The biggest mistake I see trainers, and especially younger trainers, make when trying to attract older clients into their programs is not fully understanding how these potential clients think about fitness.  It is a HUGE barrier but not necessarily their fault.

You see I know that the fitness industry has basically tried to brainwash trainers into thinking about fitness through the eyes of the 20-30 year old who wants to get fit.

I also know that society has continued to perpetuate ageist stereotypes and myths that have skewed our perspective of old age.

Well put the two together and you’ve got yourself a recipe for disaster.

Internationally renowned marketing genius and author, Dan Kennedy, sheds some light on how these Leading Edge Boomers (age 62-70) and Seniors (age 70-80) think.  Not just about fitness but about products, programs and services that they want and/or need.  I’ve selected just a few of his insights that I want to expand upon with some of my own thoughts that will help you in your marketing and sales efforts to LEB/S:

  • Slow Down!  “Sleeping on it”, “thinking about it” and “praying over it” are not flimsy excuses.  They are, in actuality, a part of their purchase decision-making process.  Instead of fighting it, create a process that capitalizes on it.  Here’s the rub.  If you pressure them into making a quick decision on the first meeting they will more than likely resent it in some way.  However, if you give them the information and resources they need to come to a decision in their own time they will likely end up being even more committed because they now feel in their heart that it was the right decision.
  • Women and Men are STILL different!  Too often we think about older adults as one homogenous group.  This couldn’t further from the truth.  They vary widely on many factors making it very difficult to pigeon-hole them or create a one-size-fits-all marketing and sales approach.  A huge difference exists between sexes.  While men and women both go through similar age-related and lifestyle changes as they grow older their perspective on these experiences and their condition is vastly different.  Their motivations, responses to relationships, responses to appearance and even their worries about finances tend to differ greatly.  However, it is becoming increasingly clear that the LEB/S women are the ones in control of the money AND the majority of the household purchase decisions.  The take-away is that your BEST marketing approach will be to appeal to women more than men.
  • When I Was Your Age…!  Contrary to popular belief LEB/S do NOT wish they still lived in the 40’s or 50’s when “life was simpler”.  While they may have fond memories (as we all do of the past) they are perfectly happy living in today’s world.  They might not be picking up on technology and social media as quickly as the teenagers but they are adopting these new aspects of life eagerly.  Grandparents are learning to text and Skype just to stay in touch with their grandchildren.  Older women are the fastest growing demographic on Facebook (relationships remember).  It isn’t necessary to create an “old school” environment complete with pictures of Marilyn Monroe on the wall and Elvis Presley on the speakers.  In fact, the chances are good that this modern wave of mature adults will think you are out of touch and ageist if you do.
  • Give Me Something Different!  LEB/S are not looking for the same old same old.  When comparing similar products or services they are looking for differences that matter to them.  Each potential mature client is subconsciously thinking “What’s In It For Me” (WIIFM)?  This isn’t because they are selfish but because they were the first generation to grow up with the luxury of even asking that question; they were catered to their whole lives; and now that they have a wealth of experience behind them they know much more about what they want and what they don’t want (And why waste time on what I don’t want when time is wasting?).  You must clearly differentiate yourself in the market and communicate very clearly how this benefits them.  Become a category of one.  An effective way to do this is to write a book.  We have very successfully used a strategy to get our certified Functional Aging Specialists published quickly and use their author-status as a great way to get, close and keep tons of clients.

Kennedy’s book is filled with lots of great facts, insights and strategies that you can use to attract more Leading Edge Boomers and Seniors.  It is an easy read and is a resource we recommend for all trainers.  It is so good we give it to all of our FAI Mastermind Coaching clients.

If you are really serious about growing your fitness business with some of the 80 million aging Boomers CLICK HERE.


Cody Sipe, PhD


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